Speaking into the lives of those who need encouragement is absolutely at the heart and soul of Evangelist Nike’s core! It is who she is at home, at the office, in court, at church, and just walking down the street. She has been speaking into the lives of young ladies since she was 22 years old and continues to do so, making time for anyone who needs a listening ear, a voice of reason, or a comforting touch.
Birthed out of her love for young women (both at heart and in age) Lady Nike, created the now Girlz101 reminding every single girl from the ages of 9-18 that even in a crowd of 100, they are still number 1, while simultaneously teaching them the basics of being a young woman, simple Girlz 101! Girlz101 meets monthly at the Brockton Public Library (due to Covid-19 virtual options are now being explored).
In addition to those younger, she also created the now Master Class with Lady Nike, where she introduced the first course, C.O.R.E, challenging women 18 and up to examine their CORE as the Bible declares that every man must examine his own way! Through this rigorous 4-week intense course, women learn how to relate to themselves, one another, the opposite sex, and their children. Out of that she birthed the now Lydia’s Ladies, as she believes every woman in business needs to make sure they are first about His Business!
As the President of the Massachusetts First Jurisdiction Business & Professional Women’s Federation, Lady Nike believes it is only fitting that she should mentor women in business. As, an entrepreneur in her own right, she believes that having gifts and skills to go to the next level are just the pre-qualifications for effective business, the next step includes entrusting Him with the vision, gift, and skill He gave to you already–that takes some learning and expertise; and she is here to show you how! Lydia’s Ladies meets monthly via zoom.
Whether you know a young girl who needs a mentor or a young lady (age does not matter) who wants to perfect her calling (in both ministry and non-ministry areas) in excellence Lady Nike wholeheartedly believes that if someone needs help, she is determined to “SHOW them not tell them!”